Engaging in acts of academic dishonesty can end a student’s educational career and jeopardize future career goals. McAfee Institute is committed to maintaining an atmosphere of academic integrity.

Students should know that faculty and staff do follow routine practices that readily detect acts of academic dishonesty. Faculty are experts in their field of study and are often familiar with the source of plagiarized material. Techniques for detecting cheating are used during online examinations. All alleged cases of academic dishonesty are subject to due process. When misconduct has been proven, the following sanctions are applied. A disciplinary file becomes a part of the student’s permanent record.

  1. Removal of the charges against the student.
  2. First Substantiated Offense:
    Admonition: An oral or written statement to a student that he/she is violating or has violated Institute rules and may be subject to more severe disciplinary action.
  3. Subsequent Substantiated Offense:
    Expulsion: Termination of the student’s status with the Institute to include any and all credentials (or potential credentials if not issued yet), CPE credits or certificates earned shall be revoked indefinitely.

Any student that has been expelled from the McAfee Institute for academic dishonesty are excluded from attending McAfee Institute courses for a period of twelve months before they can reapply.

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