Web Modelers can connect flow objects in a proper sequential order to have a process flow. The transition flow leaves from a source shape to a target shape.

A Target shape can have one or many incoming flows:

A Source shape can have one or many outgoing flows:

We recommend using BPMN 2.0 rules to map processes and connect shapes.

To Connect Shapes, please follow the instructions.

  1. Navigate to Full Screen Edit Mode, after clicking on Edit Button
  1. Click on the Source shape (left-click on mouse). In this example, the start shape is “Start Event”

  1. Drag out the flow (left-click hold) to the Target. In this example, drag the flow from the “Start Event” to the “Task: Receive Invoice Request”

  1. The task shape will now have target port points (green squares). Connect the transition flow to the target port you desire.

  1. Release the flow, once you dragged the flow to the target port

To Change the Direction of the Flow Shape, please follow the instructions

  1. Click on the shape you want to start the connection (left-click on mouse). In this example, the start shape is “Start Event”

  1. Drag out the flow (left-click hold)

  1. To change the direction of the flow to the left, move the mouse to the left

  1. To change the direction of the flow to the right, move the mouse to the right

  1. To make a break in the direction of the flow, left-click on your mouse and choose the new direction

  1. Make another flow break, and drag the flow to the task “Update Invoice”

To Change the Source/Target Port, please follow the instructions

  1. Navigate to the transition flow

  1. Navigate to the source/target port represented with a black circle. In this example, navigate to the target port in the task

  1. Drag the target port to another port holding left-click on the mouse. The other ports will be green squares on the shape

  1. Drop the flow on the new target port

To learn how to optimize the route of the Flow, navigate to the Reroute a Flow section


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