Inside the Task Navigation Pane, tasks are classified according to two classification methods: Receiver Type Classification and Task Type Classification.

  1. Receiver Type Classification
    • Applications in the DBP can be designed in such a way that tasks are sent to either users or roles.
      1. Users
        • Tasks assigned to a user are linked directly to the user’s profile. In the above example, a task assigned to the user Gheed Quteishat would appear in the user’s task folders.
      2. Roles
        • Tasks assigned to a role are linked directly to the role itself. In the above example, the user Gheed Quteishat has the role of Global Coordinator. A task assigned to the Global Coordinator (and not the user) would appear in the role’s task folders.
  1. Task Type Classification
    • Tasks are categorized into three types:
      1. Pending Tasks
        • These are assigned tasks that have yet to be either opened or completed. If a task is assigned in the middle of a workflow and saved by the user, the saved form will remain in the Pending Tasks folder.
      2. Drafts
        • These are tasks that have been started and saved, but not yet completed. A task is only saved in the Drafts folder if it is the first step in a given workflow.
      3. Completed Tasks
        • These are tasks that have been submitted and processed as complete.

Using the Task Navigation Pane, users can navigate between these different task folders. When a task folder is selected, its related items are displayed in list view. For more details on this mode, click here.