Sort Messages

  • Users can sort messages in the grid by subject, sender/receiver, or send time and date. To sort by either category, click on the corresponding column header.
    • Messages can be sorted by either ascending or descending order. Ascending order is indicated by an upward arrow. Descending order is indicated by a downward arrow.

Filter Messages

  • To filter messages in the grid, click on the button next to the category by which you want to filter.
    • As demonstrated above, users can filter by subject, sender/receiver, and send time and date.
    • When a filter is selected, it will display a dropdown menu containing all related items.
      • For example, if the Subject filter is selected, the menu will contain all messages subject lines available in the grid.
      • For the Sender or Receiver filters, the menu will contain all relevant senders or receivers.
      • For the Send Time and Date filter, the menu will contain all relevant message dates.
        • Users can filter by the specific year, month, day, and time.

Group Messages

  • Users can group messages in the grid by dragging a column header and dropping it onto the Drag & Drop field at the top of the page.
  • The column header remains toggleable in this scenario, allowing users to sort messages by ascending or descending order.
  • Multiple column headers can be used at a time for grouping purposes. To ungroup items, simply drag and drop the column header back onto the grid.

Search Messages

  • Users can search for messages in the grid using the search boxes beneath the column headers.
    • Users can filter items in the grid by inputting values in the search boxes.
      • In the case of date/time fields, users can choose to select a specific value using the icon. It will display the following field:
    • They can also customize their search results by using the adjacent icon. It will release a list of customization options.
      • Customization options when filtering by text:
      • Customization options when filtering by dates/times: