This information applies to all SLSQ qualified Assessors/Facilitators and confirms that competency can be deemed on the day of the assessment once they are satisfied that all the required evidence is completed. It is important to remember to communicate with every candidate on the day to advise that they are competent or not yet competent or communicate that message to the trainer to pass on. Once competency is deemed the Assessor/Facilitator needs to be fully aware that they are taking full responsibility for that determination and can be held accountable for the decision.
The nature of our Assessors/Facilitators being volunteers does not alter their responsibility to SLSQ with regard to maintaining their knowledge of the assessment requirements which includes rules of evidence and maintenance of records. *It is the responsibility of the Assessor/Facilitator to ensure that ALL evidence and documentation is completed accurately PRIOR to deeming a member competent and advising the member of the assessment result. *
Issues have occurred in the past when processing awards where the requirements including paperwork and/or prerequisites have not been properly completed or received. As a consequence, the relevant unit of competency/award has not been awarded to the member until the requirements had been completed. Unfortunately, this has meant that in some situations the members were delayed in putting their skills and knowledge to use and became disheartened by their experience. There have been other cases where members were unknowingly performing the job role independently believing that they held the required qualification when in fact they were not qualified.
Guidance on this matter was sought through the State Education Panel representatives which flowed then through to the State Lifesaving Committee with the following recommendation endorsed on the 29th of November 2014.
At the Education Panel Meeting on the 25th of October 2014:
IT WAS RESOLVED: that competency is deemed when the assessor signs off on the day of assessment and any administration errors to be followed up in good faith (e.g. missing signatures or incorrectly/non-marked theory/assessor not qualified.) |
At the Lifesaving Committee Meeting on the 29th of November 2014:
RECOMMENDATION: That the competency is deemed when the assessor signs off on the day of assessment and that any administration errors are to be followed up in good faith (e.g. missing signatures, incorrectly or not marked theory, assessors not qualified). MSM to draw up a policy and circulate. |
In summary it is important to note that if the candidate is required to undertake the job role immediately after completing an assessment where they have been deemed competent by the Assessor/Facilitator, then they should be allowed to do so, but under direct supervision of a qualified person, like patrol captain or IRB driver until such certificate is received or showing in the members Surfguard profile.
It should also be noted that the Assessor/Facilitator who deems the member competent is accountable for that decision and that the member’s club is accountable to ensure that members are placed under the necessary supervision as per the Surf Life Saving Queensland Policies, Procedures and Guidelines.
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