When a member completes an award, it is an RTO requirement that they are provided with proof of their completion and this is done in the form of a Certificate.

Based on the award the member may be given and SLSA Certificate and also a Unit of Competency Certificate.


The following awards are processed as Surf Life Saving awards ONLY and do not have a Unit of Competency:

  • QLD 4WD Induction
  • QLD Tractor Induction
  • SSV Operator Induction
  • Gold Medallion (Advanced Lifesaving)
  • QLD Observers Certificate
  • Marine Stinger Management
  • QLD Junior Activities Accreditation Officer
  • Junior Activities Age Manager Award
  • Trainer Awards (ie Training Officer Bronze Medallion)
  • Assessor Awards (ie Assessor Bronze Medallion)
  • IRB Crewperson
  • Silver Medallion IRB Driver
  • Silver Medallion Beach Management


The following awards are some of the accredited awards – meaning when processed, members will receive two certificates – a Surf Life Saving award (as above) and Statement of Attainment (for units of competency) or Certificate of Qualification (for a full qualification):

  • Bronze Medallion / Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue)
  • Surf Rescue Certificate
  • Radio Operator Certificate
  • Advanced Resuscitation Techniques
  • First Aid
  • Resuscitation


Members can access their list of full awards in two ways:

  1. Surfguard
    Contact your Club or Branch and they can download a list of awards from Surfguard for member information
  1. Members Portal
    Members can access their own awards via the SLSA Members Portal.

Go to Membership/Awards


Due to the new data reporting requirements legislated under the standards for RTO’s, SLSQ now uses a database called VETtrak for all Vocational Education and Training Courses (Nationally Recognised Training).

This database is for the sole purpose of education and meets the requirements under the legislation including being able to verify Unique Student Identifiers (USI’s) and AVETMISS reporting.

The database operates on paid licences and is located in Brisbane with information stored on the secure SLSQ servers. This is unlike Surfguard which is web based and has no paid licences but is unable to meet our RTO requirements. This means that all processing of the VET qualifications and units of competency are done at Support Office Brisbane before being transferred into Surfguard to the Members Awards List.

There is a requirement that as an RTO, SLSQ is to process all courses within 30 days after completion of the courses. Completion means after marking and moderation and payments (if any) (usually not applicable to SLSQ members) have been met. It is therefore important that all completed documents are forwarded to Branches/Regional Offices (depending on current setup for moderation). Once the Branch/Regional Office has completed the moderation (with the course Assessors providing any rectification or additional information requested if missing) and then forwarded to SLSQ for processing in a timely manner.

SLSQ will then ensure we will process within the 30 days required under legislation. Courses will be processed in the order they arrive at Brisbane and then entered into Surfguard against the Members Award List.

Clubs must allow 30 days between the completion of an assessment and a candidate commencing another course where the candidate is required to hold the lower award (eg cannot be scheduled to commence as a participant on an IRB Crew course within 30 days of the final date of the Bronze assessment).

In the past, Clubs were required (once they received the certificates) to distribute them to members. In a lot of cases, these were being held onto in the Club office – whether this was to present the awards at the annual club dinner or simply because members didn’t regularly attend to collect these.

In an effort to ensure that SLSQ is complying with the above RTO requirements and to ease the burden on clubs/branches and the requirement for these awards to be distributed in a timely manner, certificates for nationally recognised awards (Qualifications and Units of Competency) will now be emailed directly to members once they are processed (which is possible through our secondary database, VETtrak). From there, members will be able to print copies of their own certificates or forward copies where needed.

Certificates for Surf Awards (ie Bronze Medallion, Surf Rescue Certificate, IRB awards etc) can be ordered through your Branch (by Clubs) for printing, for presentations ceremonies or as required. Otherwise, these certificates will no longer be printed. Individual members requesting printed certificates should contact their Branch via their Club.


Thanks for your feedback.

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Justin Schooth wrote: Nov 21, 2023

The link to download certificates https://alaq.vtportal.com.au/StudentPortal/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2FStudentPortal%2F is broken. Please provide an updated link or update the procedure for this.

Justin Schooth wrote: Dec 18, 2022

Link to portal to get copies of certificates is broken.