Under The Standards for RTOs 2015, Clauses 1.17 to 1.20, there is a requirement for any Trainer who does not hold the TAE40110*/TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment prior to the commencement of delivery of a course to be supervised by a person who does.
The Direct Supervision Arrangement must be completed only if the Trainers do not hold the TAE40110*/TAE40116. NB Trainers working under supervision must not determine assessment outcomes.
A Direct Supervisor must hold TAE40110*/TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and must meet the required RTO Standards. For courses delivered in Queensland, the Direct Supervisor must be a current TAE holder and have completed the required SLSQ TAF Proficiency.
Regardless of the Trainer’s skills and knowledge, a new Direct Supervision Arrangement must be made every time a new course commences. The amount of direct supervision will reduce as the experience of the trainer increases.
All activities to be recorded on the SLSQ Training Direct Supervisor Record form which can be located on the SLS Members Area Library or CLICK HERE to download the form.
Examples of Direct Supervision:
- providing input to the preparation for training, including planning sessions;
- discussing strategies to support specific learners;
- assisting the trainer to locate appropriate resources;
- observing some training sessions and providing feedback;
- debriefing the trainer after training sessions; and
- providing regular support, guidance and monitoring.
Note: Direct supervision does not mean the Cert IV holder needs to be at the training session but they do need to liaise with the Training Officer about the course as part of the Direct Supervision
Delivery and Review:
- Discuss teaching program during delivery and determine effectiveness of the teaching, learning and assessing strategies in place;
- Develop a revised delivery plan, if required;
- Review teaching program at end of delivery and determine effectiveness of teaching, learning and assessment strategies;
- Review student feedback and unit evaluations; and
- Discuss with supervisor future changes to delivery strategies from these evaluations.
For each course you must ensure the following:
- The Direct Supervisor is listed in the Comments section on the Assessment Request in Surfguard e.g. DS : John Smith;
- The Direct Supervisor is listed on the Training Course Report; and
- The Direct Supervisor must complete the Direct Supervisor Form and submit with the course paperwork.
*Those members wishing to act as a Direct Supervisor, who hold the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment qualification, must also hold the following units of competency:
- TAEASS502/A/B – Design and develop assessment tools; AND
- TAELLN401A/TAELLN411 – Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills
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