When the user clicks the “Register Now” link, he/she will be taken to Crew Registration page. The Film Office can also direct link to this page as well from your own Registration Introduction on your website. Registration is a simple 4-step process.
Step 1: Login Account
The registrant can select his/her own login id and password which will allow the user to return to update the profile at anytime on-line. The Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are legal agreements that will protect the rights of both the film office and the registrant and clearly define the usability of the data provided.
Step 2: Contact Info
Crew registration requires the following fields to be completed:
Step 3: Skills & Affiliations
Although various other data points are collected (e.g., IMDb link, union/guild affiliations, etc.), these are the only mandatory fields required for the crew member to register and have a completed record with the Film Office.
There is a free-form text field where you will be able to enter your special skills and experience. This free-form field is fully searchable by the user so if there is a specific skill set or equipment or technology that he/she is looking for, it can be entered in the search form and any values from your special skills & experience field will return your record.
Step 4: Categories & Credits
Based on the business requirements of the Film Office, a minimum of one category/subcat selection is required with a customized maximum category/subcat selections allowed (based on the business requirements of the Film Office). The category/subcat values currently available are listed here:
When a selection is made in the category drop-down field, the related subcategories will be made available in the subcategory drop-down field. Again, a minimum of one selection in each field will allow the record to be saved.
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