Use this area to make brief notes on any written or verbal communication with the client. When data is saved the history notes will be stored with the most current correspondence listed first.
1. The Date Field
The date field automatically defaults to the current date but can be changed.
2. Select Contact
Select the contact referencing the correspondence from the drop-down list. The values in this list are pulled from the contacts identified in the contact tab of all individuals associated with this project. This is not a required field.
3. The Notes Field
Enter free-form text of up to 4000 characters in the notes field.
4. Attach File
If there are files relevant to the notation in the client note, then attach the file in the attach document file field. Reel-Scout™ is currently enabled to attach the following types of files: Adobe Acrobat (PDF), MS PowerPoint (PPT), MS Excel (XLS), MS Word (doc), JPEG Image Files (JPG or JPEG). Once completed, click the add button.
5. Delete a Correspondence Note
To delete a correspondence note, click the delete button and confirm ‘Yes’ when asked to verify.
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