All project records can be exported out of Reel-Scout™ for use in a variety of other applications. This allows for the greatest flexibility when the need for a customized report arises. All project data can be exported and manipulated in more appropriate desktop software packages to create the ideal formats.
To export project data, click the export link under the project component.
1. Choose Fields to Export
When the Project Export page is rendered, groupings of fields are displayed with blue arrows between them. To choose the fields to be exported, use the single arrow to select any field that you have highlighted. Use the double arrow to select all the fields. Use the reverse arrows to deselect.
2. Entries Under Field
Entries under FIELD are sorted in the order of each Project section. This allows users clearly identify the fields based on the project page layout and therefore easily select the fields desired for the report.
3. Export & Save
Clicking the EXPORT button launches the standard download window for your browser. The user is prompted with options to open or save the file. Depending on the browser and settings:
(1) the download may occur immediately;
(2) the corresponding software program (e.g., MS Excel) may launch and open the file;
(3) you may be asked to select a location to save the file.
Typically, you’ll want to save the file to your desktop to manipulate in MS Excel in order to obtain the most flexibility in filter the data for your third-party application.
4. Data in Excel
When the file is opened in Excel, data will appear in pre-defined columns that are self-explanatory. Any manipulation or change of the data in the Excel file will not impact the data in Reel-Scout.
5. Export Link
Similar to contact data, location and projects data can also be easily exported out of Reel-Scout™ via the export link under the appropriate components.
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