Direct Spending for On-Location Production
(Revised 2/7/07)
Determining an accurate calculation of the direct location spending a film or media project brings to an area is an important task. In a perfect world, a commission can establish a good working relationship with the production accountant on each project to arrive at an accurate assessment of the actual dollars spent in a given area. However, this information is not always available.
In the event actual reports cannot be secured, the formulas listed here have been recognized by AFCI members from North American film commissions as reasonable guides for calculating the economic impact of certain projects. These formulas are based on an analysis of studio & TV network accounting records, independent producers/production managers, commercial production companies, exit reports submitted to film commissions, and generally accepted estimates from film commissioners with experience on a wide range of film, television, print, and other media projects. Outside North America, many cities, regions, and nations may have different results, and are encouraged to use this system as a basis for the development of their own unique tracking systems. As with any formula, common sense and prevailing history should be applied. By careful tracking of reports from AFCI members using this system, the Task Force will periodically refine the formulas to increase the accuracy and flexibility for all jurisdictions.
*All Others: 2nd Unit, Travel, Educational, Satellite, Foreign Broadcasts, Sports, Exercise, etc.
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