When needed, administrators can edit user information. System Admins can perform in-line edits for information displayed in the user list, or can navigate to the edit section for further editing capabilities. In the edit section, admins can grant or deny users, modelers or admins the right to publish, merge, import or export objects.

In-Line Editing

In line edits can be performed by selecting item (User Name, First Name, Last Name or Email) directly within the user list. Simply click on the desired section (below has User Name selected) and type in the desired edit for the user profile.

Editing Window

1. For further editing capabilities, navigate the cursor and select the icon featured on the right hand-side of each user.

2. Selecting this item will open the full user editing page.

3. Click on the box you want to edit. System Admin can edit the User Name, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number and Password.

4. Check the boxes for the level of access you desire to edit. System Admins can grant them System Admin, Latest Version DB (they will see all objects), Published DB (they will see only published objects) or System User access.

5. In the last drop-down, select the authorizations to grant the user. The possibilities are Publish, Merge, Import or Export. If you do grant them only the publish option for example, then they will be denied the other possibilities.

6. Select the “Save” button to confirm changes


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