Collaboration is crucial to organizational success. Interacting with one another, sharing knowledge and expertise, and communicating lessons learned is an important part of growing and developing an organization. The Collaboration Module allows users to interact with one another, enabling discussion, feedback and improvement within the EPC. Simply put, it is the Module that allows organizations to better themselves.

The EPC provides an organized, interactive platform that encourages continuous improvement through communication. Users can comment on specific items, question and optimize items within the EPC.

The collaboration module provides 4 major collaboration features that users can engage in regardless of organizational hierarchy:

1. Discussion: This allows users, to start and participate in meaningful discussion about business processes, tasks, performance indicators, etc. This enables personnel to share personal expertise and experience, and communicate it to the individuals responsible for the activities.

2. Question: This allows users to question and clarify various items within the EPC.

3. Incident: This allows users to report incidents relating to items within the EPC. Users can report problems and case-based scenarios that allow firms to drive continuous improvement (E.g. defect to report).

4. Improvement Requests: This allows users to propose improvements to organizational activities and processes. Users are provided the opportunity to map out improvements that they believe will benefit the firm.


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