Performance Objectives and Indicators

Objectives and Performance Indicators (KCI, KPI, and KRI) are used to measure process performance. They can be associated to Processes or Flow Objects (Tasks, Events, and Gateways). Objectives and Performance Indicators are created and managed within the Performance module. Under this sub-section of the General Details, Web Modelers can assign Objectives or Performance Indicators to specific Processes or Flow Objects where performance is measured.

This section is available within the edit form of Processes and Flow Objects.

Associate Objectives and Indicators

1. Navigate to the “How is Performance Measured?” section and click on the icon to expand the section.

3. Search for Objectives or Indicators

To associate an Objective or Performance Indicator, navigate to the “Filter” box.

Type the name of the one you want to associate.

4. Select the Objective or Indicator

From the search suggestions, click to select the one you want to associate.

Filter by Type (KCI, KPI, KRI, Objective)

Navigate to the “Filter Type” box

Select the Filter you want to use. In this example, a KPI filter

5. List of Associated Objectives and Indicators

The Objectives and Performance Indicators will appear in a table displaying the items name, type, value, unit, (current) color, and status.

Remove Objectives and Indicators

To remove the Objective or Indicator from the object, click on the

To create new Performance Objects, click here


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