This sample script demonstrates how to dynamically control the visibility of form controls or sections based on specific conditions, allowing certain elements to be shown or hidden depending on selections made in other controls.


This functionality is only available within the control script as it requires access to the formControl object.

Code Sample

formControl.Row39.Visible = (domainObject.AdvancedReport == true); 
formControl.AccordionSection.Visible = (domainObject.AdvancedReport == true);
FormControl.ServerID of what you want to Hide/Show.Visible = (domainObject.Attribute of what decide if it is hidden or no !=null && domainObject.Attribute of what decide if it is hidden or no == "Value selected");
//Show the Product multi-select dropdown only if Type = Internal or External
formControl.ProductName.Visible = (domainObject.BPMAPP_Audit_Audit_TypeAudit_Audit_TypeTitle !=null && (domainObject.BPMAPP_Audit_Audit_TypeAudit_Audit_TypeTitle.Title== "Internal" || domainObject.BPMAPP_Audit_Audit_TypeAudit_Audit_TypeTitle.Title== "External")); ​