We made several changes to InspectX to improve the compatibility for use in multiple languages.

The textual content of any part of the report can be modified to the language of your choice, including the sections, headings, Findings & Recommendations and of course all the textual menus.

The language changes are all saved within each configuration file. Since each configuration file can be easily switched it is easy to switch between languages.

Unless starting from scratch in a new language, I recommend setting up your English configuration file to match the look and style you want to maintain for your reports. Once you are happy with the layout in one language you can COPY that configuration file and begin changing the headings and content to the optional language equivalents (see here for instructions on copying a configuration file). There are several translation tools available online that may help with this process, but I recommend only converting essential phrases to begin, as you’ll continue to build these language-specific phrases as you write each report and the lists will grow organically.

I have created an example below using Google Translate, so apologies to any Italian surveyors if the textual phrasing is incorrect- but I hope you get the general idea.


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