The filter BTI:TE:CreateTETask_M_500_SF(WS:_-bti_-teTaskCreateWs-v2, has been developed as a template for consuming the ActiveControl task creation Web Service. When it is imported at a customer site, the server reference in the WSDL File line must be updated with specific values for the customer’s location. There should not be the need to reload the WSDL once these changes have been made, it should simply be a case of pressing the login button again to apply the user name and password referred to in section 3.3. Once this is done, the filter can be tested for connectivity.

However, should it be necessary to remap inputs and outputs for the Web Service call, then the following mappings need to be applied.

Figure 4: Input mappings for the ActiveControl create task Web Service call

Figure 5: Output mappings for the ActiveControl create task Web Service call

NOTE: These mappings relate only to the create task Web Service and input/output mappings to other Services are expected to be different.

NOTE: The filter BTI:TE:CreateTETask_M_500_SF(WS:_-bti_-teTaskCreateWs is from the previous implementation of the integration that did not include custom fields. It is included in the package for reference purposes only and would not normally be enabled for current ActiveControl implementations.

To reapply mappings, follow this process:

1. Click in the Form/Field cell for which you wish to map the Remedy field to/from. At this point a dialogue pop up button will appear (red square 1).
2. Click on this button to bring up the Field Selector dialogue.
3. Via this dialogue, use the field name box (red square 2) to type the name of the field on the BTI:TE:WS_Interface form that will either be used as an input to the ActiveControl Business Task creation web service, or receive an output from that web service. This is an auto-complete field so as you type the list of matching available fields will diminish.
4. From the list of available fields, select the correct one and press the OK button (red square 3).
5. Repeat this process for each Remedy field on the BTI:TE:WS_Interface form that will be used as an input (i_ prefix) to the ActiveControl create task web service, or receive an output (o_ prefix) from consumption of that service. Refer to figures 4 and 5 for the complete list of field mappings.


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