ActiveControl offers an exception-based auto approval capability, to allow customers to have certain (configurable) analysers running automatically in a particular Inbox or Outbox, and only stop the transports for a manual approval if those analysers identify issues.

Three outcomes are possible with the analyser results:

  • BLOCK: if a particular analyser highlights an issue, ActiveControl will stop the Transport Form for a manual approval by the configured approver(s)
  • WARN: if a particular analyser highlights a issue, ActiveControl will notify the configured approver(s) but still move the Transport Form forward to the next location.
  • IGNORE: if a particular analyser highlights an issue, ActiveControl will move the Transport Form forward to the next location and not notify the configured approver(s).

Configuration Steps

Detailed information on how to configure automated exception-based approvals is detailed in this online FAQ.


(i) Auto-Approval runs at Transport Form level. This is important as it means you should probably set the General: Dependency Check to BLOCK to ensure that individual transports do not move forward.

(ii) Auto-Approval is only designed to work on Inboxes and Outboxes, NOT on Test Queues

(iii) Prioritisation of BLOCK / WARNING / IGNORE: If a Transport has a BLOCK on one analyser and a WARNING or IGNORE on the other analyser, the BLOCK will always take priority and the transport will stop for a manual approval.


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