ActiveControl includes a data archiving capability to ensure that the performance of the tool does not deteriorate over time due to data constraints.
This can be used to archive historical Business Tasks, Transport Forms, import runs and analysis history data.
Archiving is performed by ActiveControl Administrators in the backend of the ActiveControl Domain Controller, via program /BTI/TE_RARCHIVE_ENGINE
This program can be used to archive as well as restore data. It can also be run in test mode where required.
Figure: ActiveControl’s Archive Engine
If there are events found for a particular import run, in table /BTI/TE_EVENTS then the import run can not be archived.
Message :- Import Run 00119022600000001861 is not achievable: has existing events found in database.
If there is a form available for an import run, in table /BTI/TE_FORM then import run can not be archived.
Message :- Import Run 00119022600000001861 is not achievable: DEVK971882 has been found in database.
If no data form, merger form, no events, no links in /bti/te_link are found for an import run, then we can Archive the import run.
Reporting on archived data
It is possible to run relevant reports relating to Activities, Events and Test Results on archived data.
This is done via the aforementioned reports, by making use of the options on the report selection screen.
Figure: Running ActiveControl Reports on archived data
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