Tags are close between curly brackets. For example, given (in .docx):

This Procedure is for {name}

And the data (in .json)

     "name": "Sales Process"

The output in the .docx will be

This Procedure is for Sales Process


Sections begin with a pound (#) and end with a slash (/). For example, {#process} begins a “process” section while {/process} ends it.

Depending on the type of the data, sections will behave differently.

Type of Data Behaviour Scope
boolean Conditional – section is shown if true unchanged
empty array Section not shown
non empty array For each element of the array element of the array
object Section is displayed once for the object object


Conditionals start with a pound (#) and end with a slash (/). Conditionals can be used to show content based on a whether an attribute is true or false.

Given this syntax in the template (.docx)

This role is {#responsible}Responsible{/responsible}{#accountable}Accountable{/accountable}

And this data (.json)

     "responsible": false
     "accountable": true
     "name": "Accounting Clerk"

The following will be rendered

This role is Accountable

In addition to using free text, you can also use tags within conditional statements to dynamically display information. For example, give this syntax:

Who is responsible for this task? {#accountable}{name}{/accountable}

And the same data given above, the following will be rendered

Who is responsible for this task? Accounting Clerk

If we had replaced {#accountable}...{/accountable} with {#responsible}...{/responsible} , “Accounting Clerk” would not have been printed, since responsible is false.


The syntax for loops and conditionals are the same. Loops should be used where data is stored in arrays. Given this syntax (in .docx):


and the following data (in .json)

          { "name": "Perform Background Checks" },
          { "name": "Sign Contract on First Day" },
          { "name": "Change Employee Passwords every 3 Months" }

The rendered output will be:

Perform Background Checks
Sign Contract on First Day
Change Employee Passwords every 3 Months

Inverted Sections

Inverted sections start with a caret (^) and ends with a slash (/). An inverted section is essentially an else statement. Give this syntax (in .docx)

{^goal}No goal  has been defined{/goal}

and this data (in .json)

     "goal": null

The following output will be rendered

No goal has been defined


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