Select the “Connect to DB” option to connect to a database or existing tables; select the next button to proceed.

1. Naming
From the “Naming” Form, enter a name and title, and select the type of DataSource to create a KPI.

Enter KPI Name: Assign a name to your KPI that follows C# conventions.
Enter KPI Title: Assign a title to your KPI; the title will be displayed in all parts of the system.
Select Type of Data Source: After defining a name and title, the user can select the DataSource from the list of DataSources.

Select Database (Change to DataSource Details)

2. DataSource:
Select the next button; you will be directed to the “Select Database” form to determine the DataSource, as follows:

ConnectionName: Select the connection from which you want to retrieve data

Note: Once the name is selected, the connection between the tables or existing entities in the current application are shown in the Select Table dropdown
Select Table: Select the table from which you want to retrieve data.

Note: Once the table is selected, a simple guide to the SQL command associated with that table will be displayed. You can either copy and paste the sample query or you can write your query in the command box shown below.

Sample Sql Query : The box contains the command to invoke the table in the selected database in SQL language.
Parametric/Dynamic Query Query: You can also parametric query as ‘ParameterName + $’ ‘in the command box. Enter the parameter name along with the input data into this box.

If called as “‘ParameterName + $’ ‘in the command, ParameterName must be entered along with the input data in this box.
Button: Deletes the defined parameter.

3. Execute Parameters
Select the next button to be directed to the Execute Parameters form. Select the Execute button to execute the query you entered in the previous step.
Note: If you used parametric query in the previous step, it is necessary at this point to set the value in the “Value” box as shown below.

4. View and Insert Parameters

By choosing the next button, you will be directed to the “View and Insert Parameters” field, where you can see the output of the query which was written in the previous step. Apart from viewing the output of the query, you can also add additional columns that are not part of the query. To add a new column, assign the column a “column name” and “column type”. The column will be added to the list of columns and values may be inserted into it.

Note: The link between the new column and query column can be established by selecting a column from the “Unique Column”.

5. Timing
By selecting the next button, you will be directed to the “Timing” form.

To run your KPI at a specific interval, set up the interval within Timing Services, in the scheduler trigger form.

Button: Select the button to delete the timed interval.
Note: One of the uses of the Scheduled Service is Scheduling and Running Services of the Scheduler System Services.

6. Save & Exit: Save and close the changes made to the form.