The BPMS system consists of multiple parts:

A Designer which the user uses to build apps by designing forms. Designer stores its information in the Database. Apps designed with Designer get deployed to Web Server. Web Sever also connects to the Database to read and store data. End user uses a web browser to access the app which is deployed to the Web server.

Hardware resources for Designer:

CPU: 1 Core
RAM: minimum 8 GB (16 GB recommended)
HDD: 10 GB (of free disk space)
Network connection – minimum 15 Mbps

Operating System for Designer:

Windows Server 2012 R2 64 bit or Windows 10 64 bit or more recent
Frameworks: .Net 3.5 SP1 and .Net 4.7.2
Office (If user want to see word or Excel files)
Install Visual Studio (debugger) for debugging codes.