ABAP Test Cockpit (ATC) is a standard SAP tool for checking the quality of ABAP programs. ATC allows SAP customers to run static checks and ABAP Unit tests for their Z ABAP programs. It is possible to either install and run ATC locally in the systems of your development landscape, or alternatively install ATC centrally as a Hub and check the systems using Remote Code Analysis in ATC.
DevEnforcer: Check ABAP Test Cockpit results (0069) can be used to run ATC as part of an automated ActiveControl workflow – similar to our longstanding DevEnforcer analysers. The analyser will allow you to connect to a Target System, either:
(i) a Local Dev System: to run an ATC Check on the Transports highlighted in Active Control).
(ii) a Central ATC System: to look for the last running of a Central Series Run of ATC and compare the objects in AC Transports with the results from the ATC check and return the matching objects from the ATC results.
Parameter | Description |
ATCTARGET | The NNNN target ID of the Target where ATC is configured. |
ATC_CHECK_TYPE | Define whether you want to do a Central or Local Check. |
ATC_PRIORITY | Define what level of results you want to return in the Analyser output. |
IGNORE_EXTERNAL_TRANSPORTS | (optional) Only required if you want to exclude external transports in your analyser output results. |
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