It is possible to add attachments into ActiveControl via the Web Platform, and also in the SAPGUI.
It is possible to upload all file types with the exception of .exe executable file types.
Attachments can be added at various entity levels within ActiveControl.
1) Business Task level
2) Transport Form level
3) Project level
4) Test Results
5) Manual Steps
This can be used to add Change Documents (eg Technical Specs etc) or Test Evidence etc as part of your defined processes within ActiveControl..
Regardless of where and when you want to upload the attachment, there are three options for attaching within ActiveControl:
- Upload file attachments within ActiveControl: the files are stored within the ActiveControl Domain Controller SAP system.
- URL Linking: the file is stored in 3rd Party document management repositories such as Sharepoint, OpenText or Confluence, and solely a URL link to that file is saved within ActiveControl.
- File Upload to 3rd Party Document Management repositories* : where the files are uploaded via ActiveControl but are actually stored within tools like Sharepoint and OpenText. This requires User Exits described in this Change Note.
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