XRACK Backup & Disaster Recovery Protocol Options Explained
Ransomware: It can’t attack what it doesn’t see.
  • XRACK’s backup options and solutions can protect against ransomware attacks.
  • Start Shielding Your Data by outsourcing your data protection strategy to XSTRA for workloads held in our XRACK data centers
  • XRACK meets the 3-2-1 backup rule depending on the options selected (3 copies of data, on 2 different media, 1 of them being off-site)
  • For a detailed explanation of our XRACK DRP Protocol refer to the document below.
Retention Periods Available
Aspirational Retention Settings – 7/45/13
  • Quarter of an Hour – 1 hour
  • Hourly – 23 hours
  • Daily – 7 days
  • Weekly – 45 days
  • Monthly – 13 months


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