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Interception Capability Plan Disclosure to Clients – As a Telecommunications Carrier and Nominated Carriage Service Provider, XSTRA is obligated to maintain a current Interception Capability Plan (IC Plan). This is administered by the Director of the Department of Home Affairs. Essentially, XSTRA is forced under the the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 legislation to spy on our Clients when requested to do so by the Australian government and keep certain records on Client activity that XSTRA must produce if requested to do so by the Australian government. If XSTRA is unable – or unwilling – to comply with their legislative obligations then we are forced to surrender our carrier licence. Sadly, this is the world we live in. The Australian public, have agreed to exchange their freedom, for tyranny, and an ever increasing surveillance and police state presence. XSTRA is currently compliant with its’ IC Plan. Information on this process can be found on ACMAs website here . Contact details for the department are as follows:
  • Director
  • Office of the Communications Access Coordinator
  • Department of Home Affairs
  • P: 1800 271 030
  • E: cac@ag.gov.au


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