Diabetes:M Bolus Advisor calculates the standard bolus using the next two formulas:
Bolus insulin
bolus = carbohydrates / I:C + correction
Glucose correction
correction = (glucose - target) / ISF
Calculation rules
See below, in Glucose Trend arrow adjustment, how the trendGlucose
and trendCorrection
are calculated
glucose = glucose + trendGlucose
correction = correction + trendCorrection
IF glucose > target AND correction - IOB > 0 THEN
→ correction = correction - IOB
IF glucose > target AND correction - IOB <= 0 THEN
→ correction = min(0, correction - IOBcorr)
IF glucose <= target THEN
→ correction = min(0, correction - IOBcorr)
Glucose Trend arrow adjustment
For more details and information visit
A Simplified Approach Using Rate of Change Arrows to Adjust Insulin With Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring
by David C. Klonoff MD, FACP, FRCPE, Fellow AIMBE, David Kerr, MD, FRCPE
trendGlucose = 30 min * selectedTrendPerMinute
trendCorrection = trendGlucose / ISF
IF trendGlucose<0 THEN
→ trendCorrection = max(trendCorrection, correctionLimit)
IF trendGlucose>=0 THEN
→ trendCorrection = min(trendCorrection, correctionLimit)
!! trendCorrection is negative when the trend is down and positive when the trend is up
Trend correction limit
Trend arrow | Change/min (mmol/l) | Max Correction Limit (IU) |
↓↓ | < -0.167 | -2 |
↓ | < -0.11 | -1.5 |
↘ | < -0.06 | -1 |
↗ | > +0.06 | +1 |
↑ | > +0.11 | +1.5 |
↑↑ | > +0.167 | +2 |
Exercise adjustment
exerciseBolusAdjustment = bolus * (1 - selectedExerciseAdjustmentInPercent / 100)
Sickness adjustment
sicknessBolusAdjustment = bolus * (1 + selectedSicknessAdjustmentInPercent / 100)
The final calculation
bolus = carbohydrates / I:C + correction + exerciseBolusAdjustment + sicknessBolusAdjustment
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