The main menu gives you access to all parts of the application.
- Diabetes:M Home – leads you to the home screen (described above)
- Profile – showing the profile picture and your name. This will lead you to a screen where you can set your personal info.
- Log entry – leads to a new logbook entry screen
- Bolus Advisor – leads to Bolus Advisor where you can:
- estimate how much insulin you need for a carbs amount/food/drink/meal
- estimate the needed increase/decrease of insulin for sickness/exercises
- estimate extended bolus needed for some food containing more proteins/fats or if you’re eating/drinking something slowly over time - Logbook – leads to a list of your logged entries
- Food – lets you manage your food and use the Bolus Advisor to calculate needed insulin for foods
- Graphs – leads to a graph showing your condition and medications taken over a time period
- Charts – leads to detailed statistics over a time period including a lot of graphs/charts
- Reports – lets you export all available charts/graphs and other information to pdf/xls/html in pretty format
- Reminders – manage your reminders
- Data – import/export data from various sources, link external drives, backup/restore your data and settings
- Settings – manage your settings
- Patterns – a beta functionality which finds potential problems with your diabetes treatments by scanning your data from the last 14 days and analyzing it using predefined patterns
- Smart Assistant – enable and configure the Smart Assistant. Check out this page for additional info: 4.4. Smart Assitant
- News – opens a screen with the latest news related to Diabetes:M
- Clinician – let your clinician access your data remotely including your logbook, charts, graphs and reports
- Other links – gives you access to additional help, user’s guide, contacts, our social pages and other
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.