After you have created multiple topics, you will find they will all appear in your Table of Contents as one flat list. However, for most manuals you probably want a more structured list, that is, have your topic list divided into headers and sub-headers. Like the ToC of the manual you are reading now.
First thing you need to understand: in Manula a header (like the Getting Started header on the left) is a topic too. So basically there is no distinction between headers, sub-headers and topics. There all just topics, but at different “levels” of the Table of Content.
Now here’s how to re-arrange topics in the Table of Contents. It’s easy, just drag and drop.
Creating a child-topic
To make a topic into a child-topic of another one:
- Move your mouse pointer over the ToC on the left and hover over the one you want to become a child-topic.
A drag icon () will appear on the left.
- Click and drag the drag icon. This will let you move the topic within the ToC.
- The blue area will show the spots where you can drop it.
- Now drop the topic onto the topic you want it to be a child of.
Changing the order of topics
Moving topics around, to change their order, is also done by dragging and dropping in the ToC:
- Again, move your mouse over the topic you want to move.
- Pick it up by its’ drag icon and move you mouse up or down over the ToC.
- The blue area will show the spots where you can drop it, showing a large blue rectangle when you hover over a different topic and a thin blue line if you hover between topics.
- Now drop your topic into the location where you want it to be, that is, on the blue line between two other topics.
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.