The online manuals you create with Manula automatically come with a built-in Search feature on the top right.
The Search feature produces a list of topics that best match the search words entered. The order of topics in the results is based on the appearance of the search words in the topic’s Title, Body and Keywords, in which the Title and Keywords are weighted more heavily than the Body.
Topic Keywords can be set using the Keywords box on the bottom left of your topic editor:
Note that even if you leave the Keywords box empty, the Search box will produce excellent results. However, entering keywords gives you more control, e.g. to have a topic appear for search words that do not appear in the Title or Body.
For instance, the topic in this manual about Inserting Images does not use the words “pictures” or “screen shots” anywhere in its’ content, but I do want that topic to be found if people search for “pictures” or “screen shots” using the Search box. So I added these words as keywords.
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