Manula uses the popular Textile markdown language for formatting your manual topics.
Textile is much easier than HTML and quicker than WYSIWYG editors, though initially it may take some getting used to.

Here’s a quick introduction to creating headers, bold text and bullets using Textile.

(For a full guide on Textile, check the Formatting topics section.)


Creating headers is simple, just use the left most button on the toolbar (or even quicker, just type “h2. “) and add your header text. In your editor, it will look like this:

h2. My first header

Bold text

The next button on the toolbar (B) lets you turn selected text into bold text.
But again, typing is easier. Use stars (*) around a piece of text to make it bold:

*this is bold* becomes: this is bold


Making bullets is as easy as starting a line with a star (*) or a dash (#) sign.
*’s for regular bullets, #’s for numbered bullets.

In the manual editor, write this:

* This is a regular bullet
* This is another one
* And this is the last

to generate bullets like this in your live manual:

  • This is a regular bullet
  • This is another one
  • And this is the last

Similarly, writing this:

# This bullet is automatically numbered as nr 1
# The hash signs are automatically turned into 1's and 2's
# This will become bullet 3

will turn into:

  1. This bullet is automatically numbered as nr 1
  2. The hash signs are automatically turned into 1’s and 2’s
  3. This will become bullet 3
Last modified: 24 Oct 2018

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