Adding notes to Daily Task
If you need to create new tasks base on your notes, now you can do it using a few clicks on your Mac.
You just need to select the exact text you want to add as the name of your Daily Task.
In order to add any text on you Daily Task:
1- Select the text you want to use to create the Task.
2- Right click on the selected text.
3- Click on “Services”
4- Select the option: Add Task to Opus One
Adding Text to your Daily Notes
There is an option available on your Mac that allow you to select any notes from your “Compass”, “Goals” and “Mission”.
In order to add any text on your Daily Notes:
1- Select the text you want to use to create the Task.
2- Right click on the selected text.
3- Click on “Services”
4- Select the option: Add Daily note to Opus One
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