In the 5W accordion, users can systematically analyze the issue by addressing key interrogative questions, known as the 5Ws and 1H: What, Where, When, Who, Why, and How.

  1. What: This is a rich text field that allows users to identify the core issue or situation requiring analysis.
  2. Where: This is a rich text field that allows users to determine the location or context of the issue.
  3. When: This is a rich text field that allows users to establish the timeline or occurrence of events related to the issue.
  4. Who: This is a rich text field that allows users to identify the individuals or parties involved in or affected by the issue.
  5. Why: This is a rich text field that allows users to investigate the underlying reasons or causes contributing to the issue.
  6. How: This is a rich text field that allows users to explore the mechanisms or processes involved in the issue.
  7. Related Documents: This is an attachment field that allows users to upload any relevant files.


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