There are three types of alarms; each will be discussed in a section below:
- Alarms that Cause STEADY RED LED
- The following alarms will cause the RED HHS LED to illuminate:
- Relay Board Failure
- Battery Bay Alarms:
- Battery Bay High Temperature
- Battery Bay Low Temperature
- Battery Bay Temperature Controller Failure
- Battery Bay Fan Failure
- Electrical Bay Alarms:
- Electrical Bay High Temperature
- Electrical Bay Low Temperature
- Electrical Bay Tempco Failure
- Electrical Bay Fan Failure
- Alarms that Cause STEADY RED LED (for Included Options)
- The following alarms will cause the RED HHS LED to illuminate only if the optional components/features indicated are included and have an alarm condition:
- Hydrogen Alarms:
- Hydrogen 1%
- Hydrogen 2%
- Smoke Alarm
- Door Open
- Air Conditioner 1 / 2 Failure
- Charger Alarms:
- Charger 1 / 2 Comm Failure
- Charger 1 / 2 High Voltage DC
- Charger 1 / 2 Low Voltage DC
- Charger 1 / 2 DC Output Failure
- Charger 1 / 2 AC Input Failure
- Charger 1 / 2 Positive Ground Fault
- Charger 1 / 2 Negative Ground Fault
- Hydrogen Alarms:
- Alarms that Cause BLINKING RED LED
- The following alarms will cause the RED HHS LED to blink:
- Control Board Failure
- Fire Suppression Active Alarm