If you created a project, you need to configure the project to use the C-SPY debugging feature. Right-click on the created project and select [Options …].

  1. First, set [Processor variant] in [General Options]. For example, for ARM’s STM32F429IG target, select Device and select a name that matches the target from the target list on the right.
  1. Second, go to the category [Debugger] and select the debugging probe you want to use in the [Driver] field. Set the details in the Debugging Probe section at the bottom of the [Debugger] category, depending on how the selected debugging probe and PC are connected.
  1. If I-jet is selected, select [I-jet] at the bottom of the [Debugger] category to set details. For a description of each setting tab, refer to the IAR debugger manual you want to use.

Now you are done creating and setting the IAR project for target testing.

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