1. After setting it as a target, right-click the test case in the ‘Unit Test’ view and click ‘Check Debug Information’
  2. Build the user project directly or execute the build script registered in the ‘target environment’ setting in the controller tester project
  3. Verify that the build was successful
  4. After IAR Workbench run, select the workspace containing the built project (.eww file)
  5. Select the source file with the function to be tested in the workspace view, and click the left side of the line to add the debugging point
  6. Right-click the project in the workspace view and open ‘Options …’ to check the Run to option check in the Debugger item and check that it is designated as ‘main’
  7. Click the Download and Debug button at the top to start from main
  8. Press F5 to proceed to the debugging point to debug

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