Prior to the site visit, you will review and comment on the candidate’s (a) Organizational Profile, (b) Welcome Walk Through, and (c ) Accreditation Self Study, along with (d) supporting documents. The supporting documents consists of, but are not limited to, formal policies and procedures, organizational charts, position descriptions, and program descriptions and plans.

As you review the documents the candidate submitted, keep in mind that the items should reveal trends and provide a snapshot of the organization at the time of submission. You are looking for evidence of how well the organization meets each of the standards and criteria. You will be looking for the evidence to be:

reliable the evidence can be consistently interpreted
current the information supports an assessment of the current status of the institution
verifiable the meaning assigned to the evidence can be corroborated, and the information can be replicated
coherent the evidence is orderly, logical, and consistent with other patterns of evidence presented
observable the evidence is based on observable data and information
relevant the evidence directly addresses the requirement or standard under consideration
representative the evidence is reflective a larger body of evidence and not an isolated case

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