Performance-related Standards

Peer Support Capacity: Recovery Community Center
PSRCC-1.0 Recovery Community Center Governance The recovery community center has structures and processes for governance and decision-making that are inclusive of the recovery community and its principles.
PSRCC-2.0 Operations and Management The physical space is safe, clean, and in compliance with building codes and ordinances.
PSRCC-3.0 Recovery Hospitality The recovery community center is inclusive of all paths of recovery and responsible to local recovery communities.
PSRCC-4.0 Community and Civic Engagement The RCC is embedded among community institutions and stakeholders; it provides its members opportunities for community engagement and valued social roles.
PSRCC-5.0 Programming The recovery community center offers a diverse menu of programs and services.
PSRCC-6.0 Preparing Peers for Service The recovery community center has effective methods to prepare peers to be of service.
PSRCC-7.0 Evaluation The recovery community center uses community-informed evaluation measures (processes) and collects a variety of data on both outputs and outcomes to determine effectiveness and to improve programs, services, and activities.
Peer Support Capacity: Recovery Coaching
PSMC-1.0 Preparing Peers for Service The program has effective methods to prepare peers to be recovery coaches.
PSMC-2.0 Ensuring Program Quality The program ensures that its recovery coaching program is effective in engaging and supporting participants.
PSMC-3.0 Evaluating Performance The program uses validated, non-clinical tools at entry and across time to track participant progress and program outcomes.
Peer Support Capacity: Training & Technical Assistance
PSTTA-1.0 Facilitating Change The training/technical assistance provider has up-to-date expertise and competencies related to facilitating learning and change within organizations.
PSTTA-2.0 Establishing Relationships The training/technical assistance provider establishes effective relationships/ partnerships with T/TA clients.
PSTTA-3.0 Assessing Needs, Finding the Facts The training/technical assistance provider uses a variety of assessment strategies to gather objective, accurate, complete and relevant information the group to be served.
PSTTA-4.0 Providing Technical Assistance The technical assistance provider uses the best practices in facilitation/consultation to engage TA clients in participatory/joint problem solving.
PSTTA-5.0 Providing Training The training provider provides objective- oriented (and when applicable, standards based) training curricula that use best practices in adult learning, and are sensitive to the needs of the recovery community.
PSTTA-6.0 Evaluating Training and Technical Assistance The training/technical assistance provider conducts evaluation to assess the efficacy of T/TA.

Principles-related Standards

Furthering the Field
FTF-1.0 Service to the Recovery Community The organization engages in the highest level of service to the recovery community on a local, regional, and national level.
FTF-2.0 Advocacy The organization engages in exemplary advocacy for people in recovery at a local, regional, and national level, using a variety of strategies.
FTF-3.0 Champion for a Recovery- oriented Community The organization works to change systems and community conditions to help create context in which a recovery- oriented community can emerge.
FTF-4.0 Evidence-based Practice The organization uses best available evidence to make informed decisions about programs, services, activities.
FTF-5.0 Cultural Competence The organization has clear goals, policies, operational plans, and management accountability/oversight mechanisms to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate peer services. (Adapted from the Office of Minority Health National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services)

← Core Standards: Summary (v1.1) | The Accreditation Taxonomy →


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Joseph Sanchez wrote: Aug 12, 2019

Where clinical records such things like compliance to treatment, a non-clinical tool would capture quality of life markers and outcomes that reflect recovery values, like hope, sense of purpose, and/or engagement/connection with community. Faces and Voices of Recovery has the Recovery Data Platform (RDP) and in some states they have added different questions to their regular health management systems.

Carina Rivera wrote: Aug 5, 2019

PSMC-3.0 states the program uses validated, non-clinical tools at entry and across time to track participant progress and program outcomes. Can you provide examples or references to such tools?