The Admins have the option to manage other users including to create, enable or disable users.

To create a User, simply click on the button and fill in the necessary contact details.

An Admin can View the details of any type of user by clicking either on the user name and can modify the details of that specific user by clicking on the button.

A user (of any type) cannot be deleted, but can be suspended. An Admin can suspend a User, a Q-Tag upload user or another Admin in case one is not entitled to have access to the system any longer. This can be done by selecting the ‘Suspended’ status in the Modify screen and by clicking the Save button. The same way, a user can be activated, after it has been suspended, by selecting the ‘Activated’ status.

User Restrictions

An administrator can restrict a user to one or multiple locations.
Navigate to User and click modify.

Now you can select the locations you want to restrict.

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