ActiveControl 9.10 introduces new ShiftLeft: Onapsis Check (0073) that hooks into Onapsis (previously called Virtual Forge), a market-leading DevSecOps tool used by many SAP customers to improve their cybersecurity and compliance.

ShiftLeft: Onapsis Check has been added to ActiveControl because several of Basis Technologies’ customers use both products and have requested to be able to see the Onapsis check results within ActiveControl (eg during a Dev Test Queue signoff) in addition to looking at the Onapsis UI directly.

Figure: ShiftLeft: Onapsis Check will present the results from Onapsis within the usual ActiveControl ShiftLeft analyser output format.

Configuration Steps

Please refer to this online Knowledge Article for details on how to configure this new ShiftLeft analyser.

Note that it is possible to only present ‘Mandatory’ entries as part of the analyser output via an optional parameter available as part of the Analyser configuration. Similar to the DevEnforcer analysers, this can be useful to avoid informational findings causing distractions during the approval or test signoff process.


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