For many years, it has been possible in ActiveControl to ‘hard-code’ dependencies between Transport Forms via the Advanced Options screen in the Transport Form, and for these dependencies to be factored into the calculated sequence in which the transports were deployed via ActiveControl.

ActiveControl 8.50 (September 2021) introduced a new concept of Business Task ‘Relationships’, whereby users could relate changes that were functionally related even when there were no specific technical dependencies. This additional capability was added to help customers ensure they moved Business Tasks with ‘functional dependencies’ through the landscape at the same time, even when there might not be any breaking technical dependencies. Business Task Relationships does not have any impact on the actual deployment sequencing calculation.

During 2022, one of Basis Technologies’ existing customers requested to be able to set Business Task (BT) ‘Dependencies’, and for this to drive the sequencing of the underlying Transport Forms (TFs). ActiveControl 9.10 introduces this new Business Task Dependencies capability.

As a simple explanation of how it works: if a user sets up a BT Dependency (eg BT1 is dependent on BT2) , then the sequencing of the TFs in BT1 in an import queue will follow the TRs in BT2. Ie ActiveControl’s “Order” calculation will factor in the fact the user has defined BT1 as dependent on BT2.

Figure: Dependencies at Business Task level within the Web Platform.

Configuration Steps

There is no specific configuration required for customers wanting to use Business Task level Dependencies capability, however customers not wanting to use this new capability can hide it via Feature Deactivation.


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