The legacy ActiveControl Web UI and WIndows GUI had a lot of RAG (Red / Amber / Green) icons reflecting different scenarios. In some cases, the icons were not immediately obvious in terms of the information or warning they were giving.

As part of the new ActiveControl Web Platform, these icons have been converted into a consistent text-based status icon, with a graphical secondary indicator for better accessibility. They have also been consolidated into a single Status area within the ActiveControl screens.

Below provides a summary of the icons seen as part of ActiveControl Web Platform 9.10 within the Global View and also in other screens.

General Operations – RAG Icons

RAG Icon Icon Description Seen at TF or BT level?
Manual Step Indicates if a Transport has an incomplete Manual Step against it. Red means the Manual Step is incomplete and is holding up an import. Amber means the Manual Step is incomplete but is not holding up an Import. Green means that the Manual Step is complete (for the current system). Transport Form level only
Umode Indicates if a Transport Form default umodes have been changed on the “Advanced Options” subscreen of the Transport Form. Transport Form only
Previous RC8 Indicates if latest import of a Transport ended in RC8. Note this is only seen in Import Queue when the import into the previous Target was an RC8. Ie you will not see the icon if you re-add the transport to the Import Queue of the sytem where it previously had an RC8 import error. Transport Form only
Testing Status Indicates if a Business Task has had test results other than “Successfully Tested” logged, and the Business Task left in the Test Queue using “Save and Close”.
“Testing – Problem” – should be RED
”Testing – Information” should be BLUE
”Testing – Waiting” – should be PURPLE
”Testing – Bypass” – should be GREEN
Business Task only.
Auto-Approval Indicates if a Transport Form is awaiting automated-approval (or if it failed). Transport Form only

ShiftLeft Analysis – RAG Icons

RAG Icon Icon Description Seen at TF or BT level?
Risk Indicates if a Transport contains SAP objects defined as risky/critical within the Customer organisation. Both
Conflict Indicates if a Transport contains objects that are also being changed in parallel track, via the 0005 Conflict Analysis ShiftLeft analyser. Both
DevEnforcer Indicates if a Transport has coding, security or performance issues, as defined in the checks against the corresponding DevEnforcer analysers (0004, 0006, 0016) Both

Transport Status – RAG Icons

RAG Icon Icon Description Seen at TF or BT level?
Aged Transport Indicates if a Transport Form is older than a certain (configurable) number of days. Both
Dormant Transport Indicates if a Transport Form has been sitting in a particular control point location for more than a certain (configurable) number of days. Both
Deleted Transport Indicates if the SAP Transport has been deleted at SAP level for a Transport Form Both levels

Business Task – Red and Amber

Within the Global View, Business Tasks will be seen in red text if the Priority = 4 (Critical/Urgent), and in Amber (Orange) if the Priority = 3 (High). Please refer to this online Knowledge Article for more information on this.


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