Global View: ‘Path’ Filtering

Many of Basis Technologies customers manage large numbers of SAP applications via ActiveControl. This can result in a lot of ActiveControl Paths, and by extension, a rather congested left hand panel of the Global View (and its predecessor screen in the legacy Windows GUI thick client).

On the back of various customer feedback over the years, Path Filtering has been added to the left hand side (LHS) of the Global View screen. It is possible to filter on a specific text string, for example to only see a particular Path or SID. It should be noted that when searching for a SID, you will see all previous Targets in that Path.

Figure: Filter on a particular Path string on the left hand panel of the Global View.

Figure: Filter on a particular SID on the left hand panel of the Global View.

Global View: Left Hand Side Filtering

It is now possible to filter on all of the following on the left hand side portion of the tree structure view.

  • Target
  • Path
  • ActiveControl Project
  • Transport Form Group
  • Transport User

Filtering on these entities on the LHS will result in the counts and also the right hand side (RHS) data being filtered.

Figure: Filtering on the LHS of the Global View.

Figure: Filtering on an ActiveControl Project.


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