Click on the button placed at the top right of or go straight to the sign up page by clicking here.
Enter your company name, location and phone number. Your company will be configured according to your location. The company name you enter here will be displayed on your cars on the public maps. Please use a valid email address so that your account can be verified.
You will receive an activation email within a few minutes. Please click the button in the email to activate your account and to get started. You will be prompted to confirm your company name and enter the city where you will be operating. Start typing the name of your city and then choose it from the drop down menu.
Almost ready!
You do not need to add a credit card to your account to be able to access our 14-day free trial. Just press Wait to be verified, our team will be reviewing your details and approving your account.
To speed up the process, you can add your credit card details to be automatically approved so you can start your trial right away.
After you register
You will get an email with instructions about what to do next. The email should contain:
- Instructions to download the TaxiCaller Driver app and log in with your driver user:
- Instructions to access the Dispatch Central and log in with your dispatcher