S-Anon and S-Ateen groups often meet in churches, libraries, health clinics, or other public buildings, paying rent for use of the space in keeping with S-Anon’s Seventh Tradition. Although groups have started in a variety of venues, experience shows that finding a neutral place as a permanent location helps members stay focused on the meeting and not be distracted by other things. It may be helpful to seek out places that are already familiar with Twelve Step programs and already host meetings of other fellowships. Some S-Anon groups meet via telephone and/or virtual platform, or a hybrid format, where some people meet in person and others attend either by phone or videoconferencing. Each local group, through a group conscience, will need to decide what works in the best interest of the group as a whole. When selecting a name for the group, experience has shown it best to not use the name of the building or organization where the group meets, as this can cause confusion by implying that the group may be affiliated with the church, facility, or organization (Traditions Three and Six). Some groups have begun by meeting at the home of a member, however, home meetings sometimes become too social, present problems with anonymity, or come to depend too heavily on the member whose home is used. The experience of most groups is that it is best to hold meetings in a neutral location as soon as one can be found. Recently, groups have formed online and via conference calls. Please contact the WSO for more information on these types of meetings.
Last Updated October 2023