World Service Conference Motion Form

Download the World Service Conference Motion Form

The window for submitting motions for the World Service Conference each July runs from August 1 – February 1. Total length must not exceed two 8-1/2 × 11” pages – delete instructions as you fill in the sections.

Be concise, specific, and unmistakably clear. Answer the question, “What action do you want the WSC to take?”

Briefly tell why you want the WSC to consider this motion, and indicate how taking the action recommended by the motion would help the Fellowship.

List the 3-4 most relevant Traditions and/or Concepts and briefly tell why and how the spiritual principle of each one supports the intent of the motion. Experience shows that choosing too many principles may actually decrease the likelihood that local group members will consider the motion and give feedback to the Delegate.

Leave this section blank; it will be added by the Board of Trustees [BOT] Finance Committee.

This section summarizes the “Intent” and “Supporting Principles” from sections B and C above. Be brief, keep it simple, and choose arguments you believe may be the most easily understood by the most members.

If no “con” arguments are provided, the WSC Committee will solicit other members to provide the arguments.

In this section, answer the question, “Where will the WSC or BOT action or changed policy be recorded, if your motion passes?” If you do not know the answer to this question, the BOT will add the section.

H. SUBMISSION DETAILS: Only a WSC member may submit motions to the WSC. If you are not a WSC member (Trustee or Delegate), contact the WSO to get contact information for someone who can submit your motion on your behalf.

NAME OF MOTION MAKER (if different than the submitter):
(Requested so that the WSC Committee can contact the motion maker for clarification, if necessary)

For additional information on how to submit a motion and how motions are processed, please refer to the S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual, p. 50-84, email , and/or call the World Service Office at 800-210.8141. A Trustee or Delegate should submit a motion by email to: or US mail to: S-Anon WSO, P.O. Box 17294, Nashville, TN 37217

S-Anon Motions Checklist

Download S-Anon Motions Checklist

For the submission of policy, procedural, and administrative motions by individuals or groups

Pre-Motion Tasks (See Reference, Section 1)

 Review Writing a Motion to the WSC Resources (1a)

 Use the sample format to create your motion (1b)

 Determine who will place the motion on the floor (1c)

Preparing the Motion Tasks (See Reference Section 2)

 State the motion precisely and concisely (2a)

 State the intent, supporting principles, and background (2b)

 State where the motion will be documented, if needed. (2c)

 Financial impact on the fellowship – this will be completed by Finance Committee (2d)

 Provide arguments pro (2e)

 Provide arguments con – WSCC can assist, if needed (2f)

 Include contact information for submitter (2g)

 Limit the length of the motion to two pages

Submit Motion Tasks (See Reference Section 3)

 Submit motion by February 1 deadline (3a)

 Send to the S-Anon World Service Office, P.O. Box 17294, Nashville, TN 37217 or (3b)

Post Motion Submission Tasks (See Reference Section 4)

 Watch for email from WSCC confirming receipt of motion (4a)

 Receive assignment of a motion mentor/sponsor (4b)

 Review and understand the criteria for processing the motion (4c)

 Respond promptly to email messages from WSCC with feedback, questions, and updates on progress (4d)


1) Pre-Motion Tasks

a. Writing a Motion to the WSC

i. Service Literature – L27 (includes a sample motion)

ii. S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual: Part Three – World Service Conference Policies and Procedures

b. Motion format

i. S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual: Appendix H – Format for Motions to be Presented to S-Anon’s World Service Conference

c. Motion presenter

i. If no Area Delegate – local groups should attempt to elect a delegate at least three months before upcoming WSC so motion can be submitted by the newly elected delegate

ii. If unable to elect an Area Delegate – motion may be submitted by Regional Trustee

iii. If no Area Delegate or Regional Trustee – motion may be submitted by a member of the Board of Trustees

2) Preparing the Motion Tasks

a. State the motion precisely and concisely

i. Clearly state what action is being suggested

ii. If more than one action is suggested – break it into sections

b. State the intent, supporting principles, and background

i. State why you are bringing this motion to the WSC

ii. Summarize the history and current status of the issue

iii. Give a brief explanation of the challenges that are created for the fellowship with the unresolved issue

iv. Finally, if passed, how would the motion contribute to the solution

c. Documentation

i. All motions will be documented in the following:

1. The minutes of the WSC

2. Decision database maintained by World Service Office

ii. If needed, provide a suggestion regarding where else the motion should be documented, i.e. the S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual, Charter, or Board of Trustees Bylaws (WSC will assist)

d. Financial Impact on the Fellowship

i. This section will be completed by the Finance Committee after the motion has been submitted.

e. Arguments Pro

i. Do not repeat Intent or Supporting Principles

ii. Provide clarification

iii. Use arguments that will resonate with most members

iv. State the benefits of the motion

f. Arguments Con

i. Provide viewpoints that would be opposed to your motion

ii. WSCC and BOT may also contribute to this section

g. Submitted by

i. Anonymous motions will be considered out of order

ii. Provide your name, address, phone, and email

iii. Include your Area Delegate’s name

iv. Your name and contact information will not appear on the final motion distributed to WSC members

h. Limit the length of the motion to two pages

3) Submit Motion Tasks

a. Motions submission deadline – February 1

b. Return to the S-Anon World Service Office, P.O. Box 17294, Nashville, TN 37217,

4) Post Motion Submission Tasks

a. Watch for email confirming receipt of motion from WSCC

b. WSCC will assign a Motion mentor/sponsor

c. WSC criteria for processing motions:

i. Does the motion call for concrete actions or changes that would impact S-Anon as a whole?

ii. Is the action called for in the motion legal and in compliance with regulations governing 501c3 nonprofit corporations?

iii. Is the motion calling for action that is within the WSC’s “Traditional” role and not about corporate/legal functions of the Board of Trustees?

iv. Does the motion align with the principles of S-Anon’s Steps, Traditions, and Concepts?

v. Is the motion about an action that has already or is being taken on an issue?

vi. Is the motion language respectful, and does it clearly state what is actually being proposed?

vii. Does the motion cover all information in the motion form, and is it limited to two pages in length?

d. Respond promptly to email messages from WSCC with feedback, questions, and updates on progress

e. Motions that meet the above criteria are placed on the agenda for the WSC and distributed to Area Delegates for discussion within each area.

i. The Area Delegate, Regional Trustee, or a BOT member submitting a motion should be prepared to present the motion at the WSC.

References used:

S-Anon Service Literature
Writing a Motion to the World Service Conference February 2017

Manula online S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual
Part 2: S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Structure/Relationships of S-Anon Service Arms Standing.
Committees of the Board of Trustees
Part 3: Fellowshipwide Decision Making: The World Service Conference and Conference Approved Literature.
World Service Conference Policies and Procedures
Part 5. Appendices.
H. Format for Motions to be Presented to S-Anon’s World Service Conference
G. S-Anon World Service Conference Charter