Officers of the Board of Trustees are distinct from the Regional Trustees and Trustees At-Large. They include the Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer. They are the legal representatives of S-Anon for purposes of signing legal and financial documents. The BOT Chairperson, in addition to monthly reports to the BOT, also reports to the WSC annually. BOT Officers are accountable to the full BOT. Officers are elected by the Board to a term of 3 years, and may serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same position. Any Officer of the BOT may sign documents as a legal representative of S-Anon International Family Groups, Inc.
The Officers of the Board of Trustees, along with the Executive Director of the World Service Office, comprise the Executive Committee, sometimes referred to as the WSO Executive Committee. The duties and responsibilities of that Committee are described below.
Chairperson of the Board of Trustees
The Chairperson (hereafter referred to as “Chair”), elected by the BOT, shall have those duties generally attributable by law and custom to a president under the laws of the State of Tennessee, with such greater or lesser duties as may from time to time be determined by the Board of Trustees.
The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees will carry out the following activities:
• Serve as an Officer of the Board of Trustees and a member of the Executive Committee.
• Preside over the monthly Board of Trustee meetings.
• Preside as Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.
• Establish the agenda for all Board and Executive Committee meetings.
• Supervise the Executive Director of the World Service Office.
• Provide, as needed, a Chairperson’s Report to the Board of Trustees.
• Attend the annual World Service Conference.
• Provide a Chairperson’s Report and Executive Committee Report at the annual World Service Conference.
Co-Chairperson of the Board of Trustees
The Co-Chairperson (hereafter referred to as “Co-Chair”) shall perform the duties of the Chair in the event of her/his absence or disability. The Co-Chair shall be responsible for the implementation of the revisions to the Bylaws of S-Anon International Family Groups, Inc. and will also assist the Chair whenever needed.
The Co-Chairperson of the Board of Trustees will carry out the following activities:
• Serve as an Officer of the BOT and a member of the Executive Committee.
• Maintain and keep current the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees.
• Be knowledgeable about the Bylaws and be available for questions regarding the Bylaws.
• Provide new Trustee members of the BOT with a copy of the current Bylaws.
• Support and assist the Chairperson of the BOT.
• Assume any of the duties of the Chairperson of the BOT should that person not be available.
• Assume the position of the Chairperson temporarily should that person resign or otherwise be unable to perform.
• Provide, as needed, a Co-Chairperson’s Report to the BOT.
• Attend the annual World Service Conference as a member of the Conference.
• Participate in the monthly Executive Committee meetings as a member.
Secretary of the Board of Trustees
The Secretary shall similarly perform those duties generally attributed by law and custom to such offices with such other greater or lesser duties as may from time to time be determined by the Board of Trustees.
The Secretary of the Board of Trustees will carry out the following activities:
• Serve as an Officer of the BOT and a member of the Executive Committee.
• Take minutes of the monthly conference call meetings of the Board of Trustees.
• Send a copy of minutes to each Board member within two (2) weeks following the monthly conference call meeting.
•Send a copy of the minutes to the WSO for archival purposes.
• As a member of the Executive Committee, take minutes of the Executive Committee monthly conference call meetings, send a copy of the minutes to each Executive Committee member; and maintain a file of all minutes of past meetings.
Treasurer of the Board of Trustees
The Treasurer shall similarly perform those duties generally attributed by law and custom to such offices with such other greater or lesser duties as may from time to time be determined by the Board of Trustees. S-Anon’s Treasurer is required to have some professional background in Accounting.
The Treasurer of the Board of Trustees will carry out the following activities:
• Serve as an Officer of the BOT and a member of the Executive Committee.
• Be responsible for all Treasurer and Finance Committee obligations and actions.
• Manage the BOT financial responsibilities and present recommendations for significant financial actions to the BOT. Specifically, the Treasurer will:
• Work with BOT members to draft and present the Annual World Service Office (WSO) operating
budget to the BOT.
• Evaluate unbudgeted/unusual expenditures of the WSO, the BOT, and BOT Committees.
• Report financial results and key items, trends, and issues to the BOT.
• Work with WSO staff to develop and implement sound financial procedures and systems.
• Conduct an internal audit of WSO financial procedures and operations, or designate a representative
to do so annually.
• Perform other tasks as assigned by the BOT.
• Review and approve monthly/quarterly/annual WSO State and Federal payroll tax filings.
• Review and approve annual WSO State of Incorporation and IRS filings.
• Consult with our CPA on the annual WSO filing of Form 990 with the IRS, and any other appropriate
• Act as Chair of the Finance Committee:
- Arrange and chair monthly Finance Committee conference calls.
- Assure that Finance Committee minutes are distributed to Committee members on a timely basis.
- Report on Finance Committee actions on the monthly BOT conference call.
Executive Director of the World Service Office (WSO).
The WSO is the central headquarters for providing services to individuals and groups (Concept Eleven). The Executive Director of the WSO is accountable to the Executive Committee, is supervised directly by the BOT Chair, and makes an annual report to the WSC and a monthly report to the BOT. The Executive Director is a paid special worker who also serves as a Trustee during the length of her or his employment.
Updated 5/30/2019