A motion to approve the concept for a new piece of literature or major re-visions to an existing piece of literature may come from any WSC member, BOT member, or from the Literature Committee Chair on behalf of the Literature Committee. Any conference approval project goes through a lengthy and thorough process. Major projects such as our published books are approved in concept by the World Service Conference, before beginning the CAL process. Minor projects, such as booklets and pamphlets, are approved in concept by the BOT. After the WSC or the BOT has approved the concept for a new piece of literature, the Literature Committee seeks budget approval, gathers original material, develops a draft, reviews the content, and makes revisions. The revised draft is reviewed until the material is considered by the Literature Committee Editors to be ready for publication. All Literature Committee members and BOT members then receive the final version and vote on whether or not it should be Conference Approved. A description of the full Conference Approval process appears in Part 5 of this manual, in Appendix I.

Updated 8/22/2019