Register Name / Module Address Assembled Address for PLC Description
Right Motor Current
M: 4:1708
E: I.Data [8]
P: Byte 16 (Hi)
   Byte 17 (Lo)
Integer Value in mA for the current the motor is drawing
   Example: 1900 = 1.9 Amps
Right Motor Frequency
M: 4:1709
E: I.Data [9]
P: Byte 18 (Hi)
   Byte 19 (Lo)
Integer value in Hz for the electrical frequency the motor is running
   Example: 300 = 300 Hz
Right Motor Temperature
M: 4:1710
E: I.Data [10]
P: Byte 20 (Hi)
   Byte 21 (Lo)
High Byte / Low Byte of temperatures in °C
   High Byte = Calculated motor temperature
   Low Byte = Temperature reading from the on board sensor
Right Motor Status
M: 4:1711
E: O.Data [11]
P: Byte 22 (Hi)
   Byte 23 (Lo)
Bitwise Value – Read Only:
   bit 0 = Motor Rotation Status
   bit 1 = Motor Rotation Status
   bit 2 = Port in Digital Mode
   bit 3 = Reserved
   bit 4 = Reserved
   bit 5 = Board Overheat
   bit 6 = Over-voltage
   bit 7 = Low Voltage
   bit 8 = Over-heated
   bit 9 = Over-current
   bit 10 = Short Circuit
   bit 11 = Motor Not Connected
   bit 12 = Overloaded
   bit 13 = Stalled
   bit 14 = Sensor Error
   bit 15 = Motor Not Used

Motor Rotation Status

Motor Frequency

Motor Real Speed