Selecting the Settings button will display the Settings form. This form is composed of nine main tabs: (1) General, (2) System, (3) Workbench, (4) Security, (5) E-Mail/SMS, (6) File Storage, (7) Integration, (8) Scheduler, and (9) Logs.

  1. General Tab: In this tab, users can access the list of supported languages. They can set a language as the default and/or enable languages as available options.
    • Web Directory: This is a text field that allows users to specify the web address of the BPM application.
      • To view the web application, the web directory must be entered correctly.
    • EPC URL: This is a text field that allows users to specify the URL of the EPC server that will be linked to the application.
    • Use in Multi-User Environment: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to enable use in a multi-user environment.
      • Selecting this checkbox will display the Multi-User Settings section.
        • BPM Applications Directory: This field allows users to specify the physical path/folder of the BPM applications.
        • Rebuild an Application For the First Use: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to automatically rebuild an application for the first use.
    • Languages: Here, users can configure the language settings.
      • Title: This is a text field that allows users to input the title of the language.
      • Culture: This is a text field that allows users to input the cultural variant of the language.
      • Default: This option allows users to set a language as the default. (Only one language can be set as the default at a time.)
      • Enabled: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to enable a language for use in the Web. (Multiple languages can be enabled at a time.)
      • RTL: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to mark out the languages that use right-to-left script.
      • Date Format: This is a text field that allows users to specify the date format for the language.
      • Long Date Format: This is a text field that allows users to specify the long date format for the language.
      • Time Format: This is a text field that allows users to specify the time format for the language.
    • Log Details: This is a single-select dropdown field that displays the list of log details. It allows users to select the method by which details are logged in the system.
      • Log Details: Critical Only, Normal, or Verbose.
    • Load Dictionaries for Spellchecker: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to load dictionaries for the spellchecker function.
  1. Systems Tab: In this tab, users can configure details relating to the running of the system.
    • Release Mode: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows for the program to run in release mode. In this mode, there is no need to deploy the application every time modifications are made.
      • Compile Scripts at Runtime: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to compile scripts at runtime. This means that changing the script and saving it does not require for the application to be deployed.
      • Enable Application Log: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows for relevant activities performed in the system to be recorded in the Application Log.
      • Cacheable: This is a checkbox which, if selected, activates data retrieval from the server memory.
    • Debug Mode: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows for the program to run in debug mode.
    • Show All Time in UTC Time Zone: This is a checkbox which, if selected, converts all time to the UTC time zone.
    • Starter Forms Cacheable: This is a checkbox which, if selected, activates data retrieval for starter forms.
    • Use Transparent Background For Disabled Controls: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows for disabled controls to have a transparent background in applications—as opposed to a darker background color.
  1. Workbench Tab: In this tab, users can set up both their logo and web application title.
    • Logo: This field allows users to add their logo.
      • To add a customer logo, first click on the button and then select the desired image. The image can be removed by selecting the Delete button.
    • Set Title: Here, users can set the web application title. Users can also customize the title according to each language.

  1. Security Tab: In this tab, users can configure the security settings.
    • Use Single Sign-On: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to enable the use of single sign-on (SSO).
      • SSO allows users to authenticate with multiple applications using a single set of credentials.
    • Identity Provider URL: This is a text field that allows users to input the URL of the identity provider.
    • WebApp URL: This is a text field that allows users to input the URL of the web application. This is an optional field.
    • Entity ID: This is a text field that allows users to input the entity ID. This is an optional field.
    • User Login Claim Name: This is a text field that allows users to input the user login claim name. This is an optional field.
  1. E-Mail/SMS Tab: In this tab, users can configure the email and SMS settings.
    • Mail Server: Here, users can set up the mail server.
      • Host Server: This is a text field that allows users to input the address of the host server.
      • Port Number: This is a numeric updown field that allows users to input the port number. Users can enter this number either manually or by clicking the increment/decrement arrows.
      • TLS Encrypted: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to enable TLS encryption.
      • Enable SSL: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to enable SSL.
      • Requires Authentication: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to mark out authentication as a requirement.
      • User Name: This is a text field that allows to input the username.
      • Password: This is a text field that allows users to input the password.
      • Mails From: This is a text field that allows users to input the address from which the emails will be sent.
      • Website URL: This is a text field that allows users to input the URL of the website.
    • AWS Settings for SMS: Here, users can configure the AWS settings for SMS.
      • Region: This is a text field that allows users to input the AWS region.
      • Access Key: This is a text field that allows users to input the access key.
      • Secret Key: This is a text field that allows users to input the secret key.
  1. File Storage Tab: In this tab, users can
    • File Storage Type: This is a single-select dropdown field that displays the list of file storage types. Depending on the type selected from this dropdown, different fields will be enabled/disabled in this tab.
      • File Storage Types: DB, Local Folder, Remote Folder, or AWS S3.
    • Local Folder: Here, users can input the local folder.
    • Remote Folder: Here, users can input the remote folder.
    • AWS Settings: Here, users can configure the AWS settings.
      • Region: This is a text field that allows users to input the AWS region.
      • Access Key: This is a text field that allows users to input the access key.
      • Secret Key: This is a text field that allows users to input the secret key.
      • Bucket Name: This is a text field that allows users to input the bucket name.
      • Folder in the Bucket: This is a text field that allows users to specify the folder in the bucket.
    • Custom File Storage: Here, users can
  • Storage Type: Here, users can select from the dropdown the storage type. Depending on the type selected from this dropdown, different fields will be enabled/disabled in this tab.
  • Local Folder: Here, users can input the local folder.
  • Remote Folder: Here, users can input the remote folder.
  • AWS Folder: Here, users can input the AWS folder.
  1. Integration Tab

  • Server URL: Here, users can input the server URL.
  • Proxy User Name: Here, users can input the proxy username.
  • Password: Here, users can input the password.
  • Enabled: Here, users can choose whether or not to enable a PDF e-signature.
  • Service URL: Here, users can input the service URL.
  1. Scheduler Tab

  • Server: Here, users can input the server name.
  • Service Name: Here, users can input the service name.
  • Service Port: Here, users can input the service port number.
  1. Logs